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Help us shine a light on inspirational older people in South Glos

If you know anyone in your community or workplace who stands out as a role model for older people, we want to hear from you.

We are marking United Nations International Day of Older Persons (1 October) and Silver Sunday (6 October) with a week-long campaign shining a light on the wide range of inspirational roles older people in #SouthGlos are carrying out in our communities.

Share your stories by Thursday 19 September: email and we will send you a few questions to find out more about the person you’d like to tell us about.

This campaign is part of our ongoing work towards our vision to make South Gloucestershire an Age-friendly Community - a place that enables us all to age well and live our best later lives. Get involved and sign up for updates at 

It may not be possible to include all the stories but we will publish as many as possible.


Posted on 11th September 2024

by CH

Out and about at Yate Ageing Better Festival

It was lovely to talk to so many local residents at The Yate Ageing Better Festival last week. 

We were able to share with you the things that residents have told us over the last few months – about what matters to them and what can be done to ensure that older people in South Gloucestershire can lead their best possible lives and reduce barriers to ageing well. Festival-goers fed back on the importance those priorities should be given. 

Posted on 23rd July 2024

by CH

Join us at Yate Ageing Better Festival on Wednesday 17 July

Our Age Friendly South Gloucestershire team will be at the Yate Ageing Better Festival at Yate Shopping Centre on Wednesday 17 July, 11am – 2pm. Come and talk to us there!

The Yate Ageing Better Festival 2024 is a celebration of all the ways we can age better. You can find out more about health, wellbeing and social groups, services and activities, all on offer in Yate and the surrounding areas. 

Find out more at  

Organised by Yate Town Council.

Posted on 10th July 2024

by CH

Dementia Carers event 15 May

Do you care for someone with a memory problem or a dementia diagnosis?Drop in to an information event for Dementia Carers on Wednesday 15 May at Longwell Green Community Centre, Shellards Road, BS30 9DU from 11am to 3pm.
You will be able to meet others facing similar challenges, share experiences and discover support from organisations that can help.
This event is being held during Dementia Action Week 2024 and is hosted by our commissioned partner for community-based dementia services, Alzheimer’s Society. Advisors from Sirona care and health, AWP, 4PCN and the council will also be there for you to talk to.

Posted on 10th May 2024

by CH

Thank you and next steps

Thank you for all your comments provided through our survey in ‘Have your say’. 

These have been collated alongside the feedback we have heard from focus group attendees to help start setting priorities for our Age Friendly strategy and the accompanying action plans. 

One area which was important to a number of people was having opportunities to keep active and involved in the community and we were specifically asked how people could find out about activities taking place locally. Visit Activities for adults in their local South Gloucestershire Community

Posted on 8th April 2024

by HD

Share your views on growing older in your local area with us

On Age Without Limits Action Day (Wednesday 20 March) we are encouraging local people to share their experiences and views on growing older in South Gloucestershire - how happy you are about your local area, what makes it a good place to grow older and what you find challenging about living there? 

The action day is all about challenging the often narrow, negative and stereotypical way that older people and ageing are portrayed in our society.

We want to work directly with local residents and our partners to help make South Gloucestershire a place that enables us all to age well and live our best later lives. 

Share your experiences and views here

Posted on 19th March 2024

by Catherine Harrington

Calling Yate residents and people who work in or visit the town

South Gloucestershire Council wants to know how people currently travel around Yate for local journeys such as going to the shops or to school. 

We also want to know where there are barriers stopping people from getting around so that together, we can prioritise the right improvements which will make it easier and more pleasant for people to walk, wheel or cycle.

To complete our survey by Weds 10 April and for further information, visit Have Your Say Today - Getting About In Yate - Commonplace  

Posted on 19th March 2024

by Catherine Harrington

Opportunities to have your say

We're delighted that our invitation to the March 2024 focus groups received such a positive response.  These are now full, but you can still have your say by completing the Have Your Say Today questions.  Your thoughts, ideas and aspirations will feed in to the design of our age-friendly strategy for South Gloucestershire. 

Posted on 11th March 2024

by Catherine Harrington

Come along to our age-friendly roadshow (past event)

Date: Wednesday 28 February

Venue: Turnberries Community Centre, Thornbury, BS35 2BB

Time: Drop in anytime between 10am to 4pm

  • Stands where local groups and organisations will be showcasing their great work to help you enjoy life feeling well, valued, safe and as independently and comfortably as possible
  • Information, guidance and Assisted Technology support from Age UK South Glos
  • Taster sessions and activities from 1.30pm including a chair-based exercise
  • Free refreshments

If you have any questions please contact Age UK South GLos on 01454 411 707 or email 

Posted on 25th February 2024

by South Gloucestershire Council